Warm Welcome Magazine

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Has opening post lockdown lived up to your expectations?

Location seems to matter more than ever, towns and retail parks are seeing footfall return to almost pre-covid level, however cities continue to be at a slower pace.

The following factors are affecting these changes:

• Offices re opening

• Childcare

• Transport

• Changes in rules and easing of lockdown

Have these factors affected your business and day to day lives?

It would appear that shoppers feel that a major factor to shopping or dining out is long queues.

Habits have changed as people want to maintain physical distance – hence the switch to online shopping and the popularity of ordering apps in bars; customers need reassurance that your business has thought about their safety and adapted accordingly. One way to signal this is through technology.

With this in mind, we wanted to highlight our SmartQ, Smart Appointments, and Smart Bookings products that can assist in these changing times.


Our “take a ticket” app. Customers use the app to join a queue and wait safely until they are notified to enter the store.

Benefits to the shopper

• Seeing if / when the store they want to visit is open

• Seeing whether it has a queue at present OR is taking appointments

• If there is a queue, seeing how many people are in it / expected wait time

• Joining the queue and being able to wait somewhere safe and comfortable rather than physically queueing

• Being informed when to come to the store entrance

• Works for non-tech users

Benefits to retailers

• Your customer enjoys all the above benefits

• Low cost – price of a coffee per day for smaller locations

• Ensure outside area is safe without turning away customers

• Reduce lost sales when customers are put off by the length / organisation of a physical queue

Smart Appointments

Our appointment app that allows pre-booking of specific appointment times with notifications.

Benefits to the customer

• Ability to pre-plan visits around their day

• Seeing if / when the business they want to visit is open

• Being reminded when to attend the appointment

• Reassurance of safety and social distancing measures

• Works for non-tech users

Benefits to the business owner

• Your customer enjoys all the above benefits

• Low cost – price of a coffee per day for smaller locations

• Reduce lost sales when customers are put off by the lack of reassurance and safety measures

Smart Bookings

Our booking app to reserve restaurant, pub or café tables.

Benefits to the customers

• Seeing if / when the restaurant café or bar has availability

• Assessing how busy the area is prior to arrival, particularly if they are anxious

• Reminders sent to the customer prior to arrival

• Works for non-tech users

Benefits to hospitality owners

• Your customer enjoys all the above benefits

• Low cost – price of a coffee per day for smaller locations

• Reduce lost sales when customers forget their booking as ability to send reminders

• Supports your track and trace requirements

We would love to talk to you about how our Smart products can help with the recovery period as it continues to develop as well as how our products can help you to maximise the Christmas sales.

Contact us to find out more:

