Adapt to survive

2020 has been quite a year. Our work, home, social and general day-to-day lives have all been impacted in ways that we could have never imagined. 

At Adactus, we’ve had to adapt in lots of ways. First, we had to find new ways of working to keep everyone in the team safe and do our bit in the country’s response to the pandemic. Second, we had to help our clients deal with their challenges. Many of them are in leisure or hospitality, so we’ve been working on systems to support new service models. Different ways of queueing, booking, ordering, paying, managing workflow, communicating with guests...

We’re proud of what we’ve achieved with our clients and think we can help others too. We’ve created a suite of solutions addressing the big challenges common to lots of businesses – but ensured they are adaptable to specific brand and operational needs.

It’s clear that things will continue to change for businesses and their customers – and that some of the new behaviours and habits we’ve formed this year will be permanent. We either need them or we like them.

When you invest in technology, you need to know it is future proof - at least for as long as it will take to return on your investment.


But, in the current uncertain situation, how can businesses plan? 


Hospitality and leisure businesses sell experiences, and these have had to change. Rules of 6, curfews, lockdowns, safe distancing – all have had an effect, and they continue to change.


 To bring customers back, we need to address four steps of your customers’ journey:

  1. Inspire and reassure customers so they want to visit – tell them what experiences you’re offering, show the value

  2. Help them plan their visit – spontaneity is on hold, we need to plan, manage and record visits with queuing, appointment slots and / or booking systems

  3. Purchasing and payment – perhaps a click and collect service could work for you? And, when guests visit your business, keep staff and customers safe by minimising the need for person-to-person contact with self-service purchase and payment solutions

  4. Capture the key data so we know more about customers’ individual experiences and can go back to step 1. above and get them to visit again, with more relevant and personalised messages

We’ve developed the tools to do this, all configurable for your unique operation and brand.

We’d love to discuss this with you – get in touch by visiting our website or emailing


Adversity Inspires Innovation in Contract Furniture Group


Kimberly-Clark Professional – Project 360˚