Advice for food industry businesses


With new legislation being introduced in the UK to deal with some of the many complicated issues arising from the coronavirus lockdown, there is a need for simple, up-to-date information resources that can help businesses and consumers quickly make sense of the developing situation and how it affects them.

Business Companion, a free online resource created by the Chartered Trading standards Institute (CTSI) with support from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), has launched a series a dedicated Coronavirus Bulletin focused specifically on food

The effects of COVID-19 on how food in the UK is bought and sold have been dramatic. Both businesses and consumers are doing their best to adapt to the ‘new normal’; not only are restaurants and cafes closed for the time being, but something as simple as a trip to the supermarket has changed beyond recognition within a few short months, with new rules in place around social distancing, queueing and restrictions on the numbers of certain items that can be purchased. 

The pub and restaurant industry in the UK is worth more than £40bn, and the damage to the dining sector caused by the lockdown will inevitably be significant. Many pubs, cafes and restaurants are seeking to diversify their business models to survive the lockdown, by introducing takeaway services for example. This introduces various issues around licensing and the responsibilities of businesses to consumers when delivering food.

There remains a need to focus on things like food sourcing, manufacturing, production, packaging, labelling, transportation and sale, all of which need careful planning to ensure consumer safety and compliance with the law. There has also been a change in regulations around food waste, as businesses struggle to offload perishable goods and consumers bulk-buy items that may pass their use by dates before they can be used. 

Business Companion is free, and an absolute must-have for UK business, and its new Food & Drink section provides a comprehensive and clear guide for the industry. 

Click here to download the Business Companion Food Coronavirus bulletin.


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To be on the safe side