Help guests sleep well naturally

An exciting natural bedtime drink is now available to help your guests relax and get a great night’s sleep. Sleep Well is the nourishing and natural long-life milk that’s perfect for those struggling to sleep away from home and for long haul travellers suffering with jet-lag.

The ‘first night effect’ is a common issue that often disrupts the sleep of trav- ellers. Sleeping in an unfamiliar envi- ronment triggers our primeval instinct and puts our weary minds in a state of alert, making us restless and disturbing much-needed sleep. As we rely on our sense of smell and hearing during sleep, the clamour of ‘new’ noises can trigger the effect – be it the constant hum of the air conditioning, random traffic noise or the glow of street-lights.

For long-haul travellers, the effects of cross- ing multiple time zones also plays havoc with sleep. Our bodies follow a 24-hour cycle known as the ‘circadian rhythm’ which regulates when we sleep and when we wake. Travelling to a new time zone throws this circadian rhythm out of whack and it can take a few days to adjust.

Many travellers want to avoid taking medi- cation to help them get to sleep. Sleep Well is the nutritious and natural answer, made with whole Jersey milk, honey and valeri- an – the herb that’s been helping people relax and sleep for more than 2000 years. With sleep at the forefront of an exploding health and wellness trend, it’s important for hotels to provide innovative solutions like Sleep Well that cater to the quality of a guests’ sleep and overall experience.

Designed for travellers in mind, the 200ml ‘sip and sleep’ cartons are per- fectly sized for hotel mini bars and turn down service, whilst the 1 litre cartons are ideal for serving ‘naptails’ in the hotel restaurant or bar.

Sleep Well is suitable for all travellers over 12 months. Simply drink cold or gently warmed 30 minutes before you want to sleep. Available in Vanilla and Chocolate, in both 200ml and 1 litre car- tons, it’s an ambient product that enjoys nine-month shelf life.

For further information about Sleep Well, visit or email


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