Herald: Where the real value lies

Global supply chain problems and a shortage of shipping containers have been making it difficult for many in our industry for some time, with suppliers struggling to meet customer demand and significant price increases to absorb thanks to the shortages of products and raw materials. Many of our competitors have had to rely on sub-standard stock, which impacts on the end-user and can lead to loss of custom.

We’ve always paid great attention to our supply chain and, at the beginning of the year, we widened our supply pool and began to look at sourcing products from a greater selection of countries in order to keep our warehouses full and to avoid extended delays. We also committed to maintaining our offering to the same standard and high quality to ensure that we would continue to supply heavy duty takeaway cups and cartons that don’t risk leaks and spillages.  

Quality is at a premium but it can’t be overlooked.

Our aim has always been to identify where the value lies for our customers and to hit that sweet spot which, inevitably, enables our customers to provide the same level of satisfaction and comfort to their customers.

Our customers need to know that they can trust our products and trust us to keep on supplying them. We invested in extra warehouse space, a few years ago, so that we could hold more stock and quality has always been given first consideration. 

The provision of a one-stop shop enables us to stand out in the market place.

Along with quality, we’ve always sold on variety and choice and take pride in offering our customers as broad a product range as possible. In the last year, we’ve concentrated on providing a single source solution – We have the full range of disposable cups, lids, boxes, containers, cutlery, plates, bowls, stirrers, sugar sachets and sticks, straws and meal packs.

We’ve also expanded our eco-offering to include a full range of bagasse tableware items and a choice of biodegradable and fully compostable, hot cup options. When it comes to disposable ‘on the go’ food and drink containers, we remain resolute in our commitment to supplying the products that will preserve the integrity of the food and beverage offerings our customers provide. We will always compete on price but, ultimately, the real value – and the key to our success - lies in quality and choice.

For further information on Herald and its products, log on to www.heraldplastic.com


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